Diese Woche mit Dr. Sherri Tenpenny USA
mit Christian Oesch & Klaus Scheidsteger
Im Doppel-Interview „with Dr. Tenpenny“ berichtet der Filmemacher Klaus Scheidsteger gemeinsam mit Christian Oesch über den Dokumentarfilms „The digital Dilemma“, der nun in Amerika erhältlich ist.
Talking Points: The Digital Dilemma
- Short History of telecommunication
- „Smartphone-Zombies“ – drawings from a German artist
- What does the digital device do to our children?
- 5G – brave new world?
- Conflict of interest: ICNIRP is a private lobby organisation
- European and US-studies show the same results: DNA strand brakes
- (NTP&Ramazzini)
- European Parliament’s STOA-study: 5G Moratorium&informing the consumers
- Wargaming: same strategy as it was used by the tabacco industry is used also by cellphone-industry
- Cellphone-Litigation in the US: brain tumor cases and others…(Superior Court D.C.)
- EHS: Electrohypersensitivity – it can happen to all of us…
- Addiction from the science point of view – a short journey into our brain
- Bee or not to be…a bee-keeper’s experience
- Suffering nature, 20 years of observation: trees and damage because of antennas
- LiFi – a possible solution for the future
- Swiss litigation, run by Christian
- A breathtaking new study shows: there is no real difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation!!!
- „Evaluation of oxidative stress and genetic instability among residents near mobile phone base stations in Germany“
Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny
Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny ist eine osteopathische Ärztin, die in drei medizinischen Fachgebieten zertifiziert ist. Dr. Tenpenny wird weithin als der sachkundigste und freimütigste Arzt in Bezug auf die negativen Auswirkungen von Impfstoffen auf die Gesundheit angesehen und war Gast in Hunderten von Radio- und nationalen Fernsehprogrammen (einschließlich der Dr. Oz Show und der Today Show Australia). Sie hat an der Cleveland State University und der Case Western Reserve Medical School Vorlesungen gehalten und war als anerkannte Expertin auf nationalen und internationalen Kongressen als anerkannte Expertin für ein breites Themenspektrum im Bereich der Integrativen Medizin, einschließlich Brustgesundheit, Brustthermografie, Hormone, medizinische Verwendung von Jod und die negativen Auswirkungen von Impfstoffen auf die Gesundheit.
Klaus Scheidsteger
Klaus Scheidsteger, born in 1954 in Germany, is an acclaimed journalist and filmmaker whose career spans decades of investigative reporting. After studying journalism and political science at the University of Dortmund, he launched his own production company in 1985, producing documentaries for leading corporations and networks. Known for films like Medicine of the Future and The System Ducasse, Scheidsteger has explored diverse topics with depth and insight. Since 2004, his work has focused on the health risks of mobile technology, culminating in the 2018 documentary Thank You for Calling. Now based in France and Austria, Scheidsteger continues to create impactful, socially conscious media.
Christian Oesch
Christian is a leading Swiss advocate challenging the official COVID-19 narrative and 5G expansion. As President of the Swiss Association WIR, he unites diverse freedom movements and mobilizes grassroots actions to protect personal liberties and counter UN Agenda 2030’s overreach. Christian actively promotes awareness through educational campaigns, a mainstream media boycott, and legal actions. A partner in the documentary The Digital Dilemma, he collaborates internationally to raise public consciousness on these pressing issues. His work continues to inspire informed action and foster community resilience across Switzerland and beyond, driving solutions-focused initiatives for a transparent future.
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